In collaboration with fellow housing advocates we won victories including tenants rights: “Ellis Act”, “Just Cause Eviction.” PACT called voters and knocked doors in support of Prop 10 to extend rent control; this would have repealed the Costa Hawkins Act. In coalition with community partners in the SVRising Coalition helped keep the pressure on Google to make sure the Downtown West project in San Jose addressed concerns raised by community members – the lack of affordable housing, displacement. PACT leaders spoke out at City Council meetings, turned out at rallies and community meetings. Now, 1000 units of affordable housing will come out of this project and a community benefits fund of over $150 million will be created to address issues of displacement, housing instability and economic injustice. Along with local leaders PACT called for closing of Hillview Airport and reinvesting land towards housing. During COVID we successfully pushed San Jose City Council to implement an Eviction Moratorium. Most recently with our PICO federations, we were successful in passing SB567 Tenant Protections and SB 4 to allow housing built on faith lands.